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Speech de Remerciement d'une Soutenance PFE en Anglais

Messages of Appreciation for a PFE Defense

 Speech de Remerciement

 d'une Soutenance de Stage PFE

(Version Anglaise)

Exemple of Messages of Appreciation for a PFE Defense :

Before beging the representation  of my project titled .. project realized in order to obtain my master degree in research .
 I want to thank the commision board [Mr & Mr] for the attention they shown towards  my modest work that they agreed to evaluate 
I want also to thank: at first  My supervisor Mrs. ........., who spared no effort to guide and motivate me  to perform to my maximuim ability along this project .
Secondly, My Co-supervisor Mrs ........., who provides me always with continuous advice and attention to detail to further clear up my ideas.
