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Search Engines : أفضل محركات البحث العلمي الأكاديمي

"جوجل/ Google "

 : البحث /Search جوجل  هو أول مصدر بتلجأ ليه تلقائي في أي عملية  

Google Search is one of the most popular and widely used search engines on the internet. In addition to providing search results for keywords and phrases

Google, as a search engine, has the ability to search for specific file types using the "filetype:" operator. Here's how it works:

  1. When searching on Google, you can use the "filetype:" operator followed by the file extension of the type of file you want to search for. For example, to search for PDF files, you would enter "filetype:pdf" in the search bar.
  2. Google will then search its index for all files of the specified file type and display the results to you.
  3. You can search for any type of file by specifying the file extension like "filetype:ppt" for PowerPoint files, "filetype:doc" for word document, "filetype:xls" for excel files, "filetype:mp3" for audio files and etc.
  4. Additionally, you can also narrow your search results by adding keywords before or after the filetype operator. For example, you can search for "data analysis filetype:pdf" to find PDF files related to data analysis.

By using the "filetype:" operator, you can quickly and easily find specific file types related to your search query, making it a useful tool for researchers, students, and professionals who need to find specific types of information quickly and easily.

   Google Search is often the first source people turn to when they are looking for information. It provides a fast and easy way to find the information you need by using keywords to search for web pages, images, videos, and more. 
     Google Search also includes advanced features such as the ability to filter results by date, file type, and location, as well as the option to search for specific types of content, such as news articles or scholarly papers. 

Google also offers a variety of other features and services to help users find the information they are looking for, such as:
  • Google Images: allows users to search for and view images on the internet.
  • Google Maps: provides detailed maps, directions, and information about businesses and places.
  • Google News: aggregates news articles from a variety of sources.
  • Google Translate: can translate text and web pages from one language to another.
  • Google Calendar: can be used to create, manage, and share calendars.
  • Google Drive: a cloud-based storage platform for documents, images, videos, and more.
Google is also known to be constantly innovating, trying to improve the search process and make it more accurate and efficient.  

وهناك العديد من محركات البحث لطلبة الأخرى منها:

💓 موقع Pdfdrive :

💓 موقع Springer  :

 💓موقع ..
نبدا بالموقع الرهيب ده الي بيحتوي على أكثر من 3مليون مصدر في مختلف المجالات العلمية من مقالات و أوراق و مؤتمرات و كتب ..
💓 موقع refseek ..
محركُ بحثٍ يوفر المصادر الأكاديمية بطريقةٍ سهلة أكثر من مليار مصدر من الكتب والمجلات والأخبار
و الموسوعات ..
 💓موقع WorldCat ..
محركُ بحثٍ سهلُ الإستخدام يبحث في أكثر من 20 ألف مكتبةٍ و يحتوي على أكثر من 2مليار مصدر
و يمكنك من إيجاد أقرب مكتبة لك ..
💓 موقع Microsoft_Academic ..
يحمل نتائج بحث واسعة المحتوى للأكاديميين و يتم تحديثها باستمرار يحتوي على أكثر من120 مليون مطبوعة ..

💓 موقع EThOS ..
يحملُ أكثر من 500 ألف رسالةَ ماجستيرٍ و دكتوراه في جميع المجالات ..
💓 موقع Research Paper’s in Economics ..
محركُ بحثٍ يحتوي على أكثر من مليوني بحثٍ في علم الإقتصاد و العلوم الأخرى ذات الصلة ..
💓 موقع kotobgy ..
محركُ بحث يحتوي على الملايين من الكتب العربية القابلة للتحميل ..
كتبجي - محرك بحث الكتب العربية ..
💓 موقع base_-search ..
من أفضل و أقوى محركات البحوث الأكاديمية توجد أكثر من 100 مليون وثيقةٍ علميةٍ .. 70٪ من المقالات التي يحتويها مجانية ..
 💓موقع Science.gove ..
محركُ بحثٍ علميٍ تابع للحكومة الأمريكية يجمع أكثر من 2000 موقعٍ علميٍ و يحتوي على أكثر من 200 مليونَ ورقةٍ و نتائجَ موثوقةٍ
======================================================================== 💓موقع Bioline :
محركُ بحثٍ تطوعيٍ يعمل على جمع المقالات المنشورة في المجلات العلمية 

Bioline is a search engine specifically designed to search for biomedical literature, such as articles and journals related to the life sciences and biomedicine. It indexes content from a variety of sources, including scientific journals, books, and conferences, to provide users with a comprehensive database of relevant literature.

Here's how Bioline works:

  1. The search engine crawls the internet, searching for and indexing articles, journals, and other literature related to biomedicine and the life sciences.
  2. When a user enters a search query, the search engine uses algorithms to sift through its indexed content and retrieve the most relevant results.
  3. The search results are ranked based on relevance and are displayed to the user, usually in the form of a list of articles or journal titles.
  4. The user can then click on the title of an article or journal to read the abstract or full text, depending on the availability and access privileges.
  5. Bioline also allows users to filter their search results by date, author, journal and other criteria to further refine the result.

By using Bioline, researchers, students, and healthcare professionals can quickly access the information they need to stay up to date on the latest developments in biomedicine and the life sciences.
